3 Supplements To Get You Through Cold & Flu Season

September is here, bringing all the things we love about fall, like cooler weather, the leaves changing colors, and back to school. Unfortunately, it also means that cold and flu season is right around the corner. While many of us tend to wait until we get hit with the sniffles before we consider reaching for meds, boosting your immune system early on can give your body the fighting support it needs to keep you healthy and may even help you kick your bug quicker.

Here are The Golden Dose's top 3 supplements to help support your immune system this cold and flu season . . . and all year long for that matter!

Start Early For Better Results

As we said before, many of us wait until we are actually sick, or our family is sick, before we consider taking medicine. At this point, your body is already kicking into overdrive to try to beat whatever is throwing it out of whack. Over-the-counter meds and prescriptions, while effective, can lead to undesired side effects like sleepiness, or liver issues if taken too much. But did you know preparing your body early on can help shorten the duration of symptoms and may even help you avoid being sick altogether?

Think of your body as a car. On your general daily commute, you know you will use X amount of gas per week. But, if you were to take a road trip out of state, chances are you would need to use more gas to get to your destination. Your body is kind of similar. We have our daily needs and typically get all the vitamins and minerals we need from our diet. However, when we encounter times of stress like a cold or flu bug, our body will need to use more of its resources to beat the illness and recover.

Beginning to take supplements like Vitamin D3 and C early on ensures your body has the essential tools it needs to combat pesky viruses and infections for quicker recovery times and a healthier fall season overall.

Vitamin C- A Powerful Antioxidant for Immune Support

Vitamin C is a common supplement we think of when it comes to immunity. We can obtain healthy amounts of vitamin C by consuming fruit, veggies, juices, and many other foods readily available to us, although fruits like oranges and grapefruits tend to contain higher amounts of the vitamin.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant within our bodies and is essential to our healing and growth processes while maintaining healthy bones, teeth, collagen production, etc. Supplementing with Vitamin C during cold and flu season may not prevent illness altogether, but has been known to help shorten recovery time so you can get back to enjoying life again.

Vitamin D3- The Sunshine Vitamin

Essential for healthy bones, teeth, as well as other important bodily functions Vitamin D3 is one of the most essential nutrients within our bodies. While we can get D3 from our diet, most of us get the vitamin from sunlight, which is why D3 is also known as the "sunshine vitamin". However, in the modern age, many of us stay indoors most of the day due to work, cold weather, or just because we like it. Coupled with a less nutrient-rich diet (ie fast and processed foods) vitamin D3 is actually one of the more common vitamin deficiencies within the country.

Some studies have shown that people with Vitamin D deficiency can be more prone to illness and respiratory infections while those with healthy levels were able to shake off the illness quicker with less chance for infection. In summary, healthy levels of Vitamin D within your body will also help ensure a happier and healthier immune system!

Zinc Picolinate

Zinc is a trace mineral within our bodies and plays a major role in cell creation, as well as in DNA generation, protein production, healing responses, and immune system support. A vital nutrient, zinc is involved in making immune cells and it also ensures the smooth functioning of vital processes in order to produce more immune cells in our bodies.

Minerals tend to be tougher on the digestive system as our bodies have to work harder to break the substances down in order to be useful. Zinc Picolinate from the Golden Dose has already been broken down to help with the digestion process for easier and more comfortable absorbtion!

How to Get the Best Results

Going back to our car analogy earlier, no matter where you are going, you know you'll need gas (fuel, electricity, etc). That being said, it’s usually smarter to fill up your tank at the beginning of your journey rather than putting in a quarter tank at a time. Having the necessary amount of fuel you need helps ensure a quicker journey with fewer stops along the way.

Supplements work best when taken consistently, as they need time to build up within your body before any significant results are apparent. While a dosage of Vitamin C here and there may help a little, it probably won't do much in the long-term and will be flushed out of your system quickly. While taking a supplement, think of it more as a tool for your body. Healthy vitamin and mineral levels help ensure our body is running as smoothly as possible and allows for a healthy immune response. With consistent checkups with your doctor, a healthy diet, and a regular supplement routine, your body will stay in prime condition, not to mention you'll probably feel great!

The Golden Dose Has What You Need to Prepare for Cold & Flu Season

With all that is happening in this world, the last thing we want to worry about is cold and flu season. Ensure your family is prepared with The Golden Dose’s easy-to-take and digest supplements. You can shop for immune-supporting supplements here, or contact us with more questions.

This article is meant as a general means of information and not meant in any way to treat, cure, or diagnose. As with all dietary supplements, it is best to speak with a licensed medical professional for accurate supplement recommendations.


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