Taking Your Vitamins Just Got Easier with The Golden Dose’s Daily Multiple!

Most people want to live healthy, productive lives and many of us know that vitamins and minerals can play a key role in our overall health. Unfortunately, most of us just don't receive the proper nutrients we need and these deficiencies can affect our mood, stress, bodily functions, and our day-to-day lives. Whether it be from lack of proper diet, too much junk food, or other health issues, taking a multivitamin can help fill in the gaps where your nutrients may be lacking. 

The Golden Dose™ Daily Multiple Vitamin & Mineral Supplement can help you take your diet from lacking to abundant by providing key vitamins and minerals as well as other beneficial nutrients in one easy-to-swallow capsule or tablet! Read on to learn about all of the benefits you’ll receive when you start using this supplement today!

Where Do We Get Our Vitamins and Minerals From?

Let's start at the basics and talk about what a nutrient is and where it comes from. The average person will receive most of the nutrients they need from their daily diet. While our diets are typically enough to fulfill most of our nutritional needs, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are relatively common and can easily be remedied with the help of a multivitamin. 

What is Vitamin D3 and Why Do You Need It?

When was the last time you got some sunshine? It is pretty well known that Vitamin D3 is linked with your daily sun intake, but what does it actually do? Vitamin D assists in absorbing other nutrients like calcium and is vital to bone and heart health. D3 is an important supplement for good mood, eye health, and strong immune function. Research has shown that a deficiency in vitamin D can lead to muscle weakness and pain, decreased bone density, and an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. The good news is that The Golden Dose’s™ Daily Multiple provides 1200 IU of D3 per serving and can help ensure your daily levels are where they need to be.  

What are the benefits of 100% Natural Vitamin E Complex?

There are many advantages to taking Vitamin E including skin, eye, cardiovascular, and immune health in addition to aiding many other functions of your body. As a powerful antioxidant, it can also support the body in the elimination of dangerous cells and free radicals. Including 100% Natural Vitamin E complex, The Golden Dose™ Multivitamin will help ensure the maximum absorption of Vitamin E in your body.

Complete Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B12 is probably the most popular B vitamin and is often linked to a person's energy levels. However, there are many different B vitamins and every one of them plays a key role in a person's ability to have a healthy mind and body. Vitamin Bs are either used up or disposed of by a person's body. There is no storage space for them. The Golden Dose™ Multi provides a complete B complex with clinical strength so you get all your B vitamins at once. You will be ensured maximum energy for your body and mind!

What Makes The Golden Dose™ Multi Easy to Digest and Absorb? 

Some Multivitamins will leave you feeling nauseous and possibly give you bubble guts. Multivitamins contain various minerals and vitamins that have to be processed by the body before they can be utilized. However, some nutrients are harder to digest than others. Minerals like calcium and iron, tend to be hardest on the stomach as they take the most time to break down, which is why The Golden Dose Multi uses chelated minerals. The word 'chelated' simply means these minerals are broken up into smaller bits, making them easier on the stomach, and increasing their absorption rate. For additional absorption, the minerals are delivered with amino acids, or proteins, which the body will absorb readily. The body loves protein, and by pairing the two together, the minerals get a one-way ticket to better absorption. 

What does increased absorption mean for you?

Well, nutrients that are not absorbed are expelled from the body as waste. By increasing your absorption rate, you will be using up more of the nutrients and ensuring you are getting the most for your money and efforts. Another way to make sure you are maximizing your nutrient absorption and avoid nausea is to take your vitamins with food. Combine the benefits of the clinical-strength vitamins themselves and eating healthy food, and your body can absorb the nutrients more readily.

What is the Difference Between a Capsule and a Tablet?

A capsule will contain the desired substance within a shell of some kind. this shell is easily digested by the body and ensures the capsule will release its components at the right time within the body. Capsule coatings can be made thicker or thinner in order to determine how quickly they will release within the body. Tablets are made of compressed ingredients fitted tightly together and coated with a substance to help the pill stay together, and ensure it releases at the right time in the body. 

Tablets tend to have a longer shelf life and can usually be broken into smaller bits to make them easier to take. Since they are compressed and lack a shell, tablets may also contain more ingredients. Capsules on the other hand are fast-acting and, since ingredients must be smaller to accommodate the outer shell, they may have a slightly higher absorption rate than tablets. Plus, capsules are tasteless in comparison to their tablet counterpart, which for some folks is a big deciding factor.

Why Choose The Golden Dose™ Daily Multivitamin? 

By combining the right amount of nutrients into a single, daily supplement, Golden Dose Daily Multivitamin gives you the best combination of vitamins and minerals to support your health, without having to take a handful of different pills. We believe that vitamins should be simple to use, and most importantly, effective. 


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