What are Probiotics?

Probiotics, chances are you have heard of them in recent years as they have risen in popularity. But, what are they? Should you be taking probiotics? Are they even worth it? 

Probiotics are often called “good bacteria” and are meant to align your gut health so you feel better. If you are feeling gassy, bloated, irregular, or tired, a good probiotic may be just what you need to get back to feeling “normal”. Probiotics have even been shown to have a helping hand in alleviating skin conditions, improving immune health, and even helping to regulate your emotions. 

If you’re interested in learning more about probiotics, read on! The Golden Dose is ready to break down probiotics and all their benefits so you can get the full scoop and decide if probiotics are just what you need.

What are Probiotics and How Do They Work?

Have you heard the saying that your gut is like a second brain? While your digestive system can’t solve math problems or riddles, it breaks down food and disperses chemicals, nutrients, cells, and energy throughout the body. To do this, your gut is equipped with thousands of microorganisms living and working together to keep you functioning as a human, also known as a microbiome

The human microbiome is made up of viruses, fungi, bad bacteria, and good bacteria (probiotics). Probiotics work to 

  • Keep bad bacteria in check

  • Help create vitamins and enzymes

  • Protect intestinal lining

  • Support the digestive system

What are the Benefits of Taking Probiotics?

  • Regularity- one of the most known benefits of taking probiotics is their ability to regulate bowel movements. For folks who are going too often, or not enough, probiotics help make your trip to the bathroom much easier. 

  • Gas & Bloating- Humans are gassy creatures by nature, but sometimes certain foods will trigger bloat or gas issues. Sometimes this is caused when our bodies are having difficulty breaking down certain foods. Probiotics can help support your digestive system which in turn helps reduce bloat and gas. 

  • Skin Problems- Conditions like acne and eczema can pop up for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons has been linked to imbalanced gut health, or more specifically, the bad bacteria are running rampant in your gut and the good bacteria are failing to keep it in check. Probiotics can help balance the microbiome and keep bad bacteria in check, which in turn can help support a healthier gut and skin.

Can You Get Probiotics from Food? 

Absolutely! Fermented and pickled products like sauerkraut, greek yogurt, and apple cider vinegar contain an abundance of probiotics. By adding probiotic-rich foods and drinks to your daily lifestyle, you can naturally support your microbiome. Here are some other probiotic-rich foods that you may want to try! 

  • Yogurt (especially greek yogurts)

  • Sauerkraut

  • Sourdough bread

  • Bananas (The more ripe, the more probiotics!)

  • Kombucha

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Even some cheeses!

Tips for a Healthier Gut

Did you know that your diet feeds the bacteria in your gut? It’s true! Both good and bad bacteria live off of the food you eat. Bad bacteria thrive on sugar and carb-rich foods, while probiotics feed on high-fibrous foods (also known as prebiotics, or foods that help increase probiotics naturally). 

If probiotic-rich foods like Keifer and pickles aren’t for you, try adding in prebiotic-rich foods like apples, asparagus, broccoli, oats, and other fruits and veggies high in fiber to increase your natural probiotics! 

Try avoiding too much sugar and carb-rich foods. Bad bacteria thrive on an unhealthy diet, which may lead to other health issues if left unchecked. While we all love sugar and cheat days, taking a break from unhealthy food can make a world of difference for your health. 

Last but not least, investing in a good probiotic never hurts! A supplemental probiotic helps support the healthy bacteria in your gut and can help reduce digestive discomforts. Trust us, your body will thank you!

Probiotics for Optimal Gut Health Available @TheGoldenDose

If you are someone who deals with IBS, constant bloating, gassiness, and other digestive discomforts, probiotics may be for you. The Golden Dose offers a once-daily probiotic that helps colonize good bacteria within the gut for optimal gut and immune health. Order your probiotics today!

This article is meant as a general means of information and not meant in any way to treat, cure, or diagnose. As with all dietary supplements, it is best to speak with a licensed medical professional for accurate supplement recommendations.


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